I am a film review expert. Some film review experts are sad that the 'net took their job. But there is a site called http://www.youtube.com [U2B] with literally THOUSANDS of movies from people all over the world that need to be reviewed so that people can know whether they are bad or good. I love the 'net. I love flicks. I love 'net-flicks!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Review: Stilts Man FALLs at Fairfax Festival Parade, CA

In today's America stinker politicians have tried to make dung upon typical white people by being like wall street is better than main street. Today's movie fights that point-of-view by showing what main street has to offer like our fine-feathered friend the peacock might show it's colorful feathers to show that it can fornicate with the best of 'em. In this look at the very cool town of Fairfax, CA we see that an everyday cruise down main street is a real feast for the senses. There's cool noises like music and a man on a microphone saying something nice. There are lotsa cool colors to enjoy looking at. There are even clowns which perform upon leg-extensions which are entitled stilts. Sometimes the stiltmen remain atop their stilts. Still other times they cannot maintain their balance and succumb to gravity much like the apple which fell upon William Tell's bow and arrow. This movie highlights one of those hilarious instances in which a stiltman falls, inducing smiles abound. I think I might submit this movie to my favorite e-site that showcases these types of chucklefests-- failblog.org. Failblog is a very underground site which posts vids and pics of like men falling onto their testes or things about to fall on their testes and it is hosted by Full House's Bob Saggle the guy from Hollywood Squares. It usually will say in large letters FAIL to indicate that the he who gets his testes squished will fail to reproduce and his line will die out via natural selection. This gets you every time and causes you to experience gutbustin laffs. Sometimes if the videoman avoids getting his wrinkly bits smashed, the opposite of FAIL, SUCCEED, will flash instead. This is good for business because I learned that it is good to diversify your products from business school from television.

Recommendation: wait what was I talking about?

Rating: I'm guessing 4/5

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