I am a film review expert. Some film review experts are sad that the 'net took their job. But there is a site called http://www.youtube.com [U2B] with literally THOUSANDS of movies from people all over the world that need to be reviewed so that people can know whether they are bad or good. I love the 'net. I love flicks. I love 'net-flicks!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Review: Improv Night - Press Conference

Improv comedy is when someone is funny without planning on it. Even though the jokes might not be as funny as they'd be if the joker had practiced, they are just as enjoyable to listen to because they make you go WOW HE JUST CAME UP WITH THAT ON THE SPOT! People also like improv because sometimes the audience is allowed to participate, which makes you feel like your life is worth a darn and that is a nice feeling to have. In today's movie, a comedy troupe (kinda like a gang whose weapons are funny jokes instead of guns and knives) from the prestigious South Kitsap High School dare us not to laugh by goofin in the zone. They play an improv game where the Ringleader sends the bitch he most hates to the back so the audience can come up with a new identity for her to assume because her old one just isn't up to snuff. When she comes back the other players ask her questions press conf style that give her clues as to who the heck she might be. It's fun and funny. The Ringleader wears a shirt with text that is partially obstructed. It says "This is____." One can only assume the last line says "funny" or "good" because that is what this movie is. Rule numero uno in doing an improv is always make the audience think of something funny. Therefore the Ringleader begins by quoting funnyman Will Frenkel. This sends the crowd into a laff-frenzy which noticeably makes the Ringleader feel very good. He decides to ride it out and makes the entire game a quote fest of Will Frenkel. The audience laughs and laughs and smiles as they are reminded constantly of their fave Frenkel moments. Ultimately, one player slams the ball home by mentioning the instrument the cowbell, which is the subject of a very funny Frenkel joke that funny people quote at concerts when they want to prove how much attention they deserve. The audience loses their poop and everyone is very happy.

Recommendation: get a babysitter for the kids and go see this movie with your sig oth!

Rating: 4/5 funny quotes

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